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Attendees of 2023 Kentucky Water Research Symposium

Kentucky Water Resources 
Annual Symposium

The Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium brings together researchers, personnel from local, state, and federal agencies, undergraduate and graduate students, participants from volunteer groups and NGOs, and members of the public. Additionally, the Symposium provides opportunities for individuals conducting water-related work (e.g., research, management, education) to discuss their activities (preliminary or final) with others interested in the waters of the Commonwealth.  Conference registration fees are kept low through partial subsidy of symposium expenses, using USGS 104(b) technology transfer and matching funds to ensure accessibility to individuals from all potential audiences.  The full proceedings documents from previous Symposiums' are available for download online from UKnowledge's Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium page.  

Join Us

The 2024 Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium will be held on September 27, 2024, at the Central Bank Center in Lexington, Kentucky. The day-long event combines platform and poster presentations that allow attendees to hear the latest in water research, practice, and education. Presenters include recipients of the USGS 104(b) student research enhancement grants funded through the Institute. During the awards luncheon, KWRI will present KWRI’s annual awards acknowledging outstanding contributions in the areas of Water Resources Research, Water Resources Practice, and Water Quality. Attendees typically include researchers; local, state, and federal agency personnel; undergraduate and graduate students; participants from volunteer groups and NGOs; water professionals; and members of the public.


Symposium Flyer

Symposium Countdown

Conference Registration

Anchor 1

Conference registration fees are kept low through partial subsidy of symposium expenses using USGS 104(b) grant funds. This year we are excited to offer a reduced student registration rate. If you are a student, please select the Student Registration option on the registration page to receive the discount. Additionally, KWRI is seeking judges to evaluate the student poster and presentation sessions. Judges will receive a $26 discount on their registration. If you are interested in serving as a judge, select the Judge Registration option on the registration page to receive the discount.  You can register below in the embedded checkout or visit the event page here

Registration will close on September 20, 2024. If you have any questions or need assistance with your registration, please contact us at: 



The Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute compiles the proceedings of its Annual Symposium each year. The proceedings document is a compilation of abstracts for all oral and poster presentations presented on the day of the symposium. The symposium proceedings from 2006-2023 are available online through UKnowledge here. Use the interactive viewers below to see what happened in 2023.


Dr. Chris Barton and Dr. Jason Unrine
Roger Recktenwald
Emma Lawson

2023 Symposium
Posters and Presentations

Plenary Session

CRAIG BUTLER Presenting at the Kentucky Water Resources Symposium

Executive Director, Muskingum
Watershed Conservancy District




Ohio River Basin Alliance A Decade of Partnerships and Progress

Craig Butler serves as the chief executive of the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD), an organization which manages Ohio’s largest watershed with the mission of preventing flooding, conserving natural resources and promoting outdoor recreation. The MWCD owns nearly 60,000 acres and 16 dams and reservoirs across Eastern Ohio which its 415 employees manage in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE). MWCD's recreation resources serve approximately 5 million Ohioans annually and its flood prevention mission is calculated by the USCOE to have prevented more than $10 billion in property damage since the MWCD’s inception.

Poster Session


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